HEPF is a member of the EPSD Our missionThe Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at enhancing the development of an environmentally aware, participatory democratic society and institutional system by strengthening and supporting the civil environmental movements. The foundation promotes the development of the environmental movement trough providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary. |
January |
20. Board meeting
21. The Nature on Greenways brochure is published by Central European Greenways in English with much Hungarian-related content
26. Kick-off meeting of the Civil Advocacy Roundtable
We decide to build bike racks in front of the office. After spending 6 months with obtaining necessary permits from 5th district municipality, the same authority begins the "new downtown main street" program. It turns out that they also designed a bicycle parking space there where we, just they didn't compare our request to their own plans.
February |
2. EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund 2nd Round Opening Conference (welcome words by the Ambassador of Norway, Siri Ellen Sletner; information days for applicant NGOs on proposal writing are held all around the country
21. Stakeholder consultation about the future of Ökotárs in the HUMUSZ house
Zsuzsa Foltányi talks in Civil Radio about the affairs of the NGO sector and participates in an NGO sector analysis
March |
4. Veronika Móra is elected to be the chair of the Hungarian Donors Forum
5. Decision about the Green Belt 2008-9 proposals
6-8. Central European Greenways meeting in Presov, participants visit the "No Limits" and "Alžbeta" Greenways in the surroundings
13. Housewarming party at Virág Csóli's new place
16-17. Directors’ meeting of HEPF and sister foundations in our office
18–19. The staff evaluates the last year and plans the next one
20-21. National Greenways meeting at Királyrét
24. Civil Advocacy Roundtable
27-29. National Assembly of Green NGOs in Tatabánya, Szilvi Temesvári organizes a workshop about farmer markets
30. The Board of Trustees elects a new member as the successor of Stella Sebestény, in the person of Zoltán Farády
April |
1. Application deadline of the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund proposals
3. Birth of Marton, son of Gergely Sepsei at Pilisszentlászló
The students of American International School of Budapest collect 200 000 HUF at their annual charity auction for HEPF. Eva Sólyom and Szilvi Temesvári present HEPF and Greenbelt Program to the students
Szilvi inaugurates a new Green Belt location at Mihálygerge by cutting her first tricolor ribbon
The application system of Small Grant Programs' goes online at adomanyi.okotars.hu
Advocacy campaign against the abolition of tax relief on donations (whole month)
May |
11. Pontes Foundation of Nagyvázsony wins the Green Belt award that goes to the best project
16. Alternatives to nuclear energy program meeting in Vienna
30. Application deadline of the "Civil Advocacy and Community Development" and "Open Society - Healthy Environment" Programs
Zsuzsa visits projects all over the country: Barlahida, Pécs, Kémes, Majsa, Domaszék, Szekszárd, Törökbalint, Székesfehérvár, Dinnyés, Békéscsaba.
June |
8. Results of the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund published
10-11: Greenway conference with about 70 participants, bike tour and festival in Szigetmonostor on the Szentendre island on the occasion launching the new Greenway manual
15. Civil Advocacy Roundtable on tax incentives and about the concept of endowed foundations
15. Birth of Sara Lévay, daughter of Krisztina Budai in Alsópetény
23-27.Gergely participates at the Danube by Bike bike tour which runs from Budapest to Belgrade
30. Green Belt 2009-10 first-round deadline of applications
Project visits: Erdőkertes, Edelény, Salgótarján Somogyvámos, Kaposvár, Gánt
July |
8. Grant decisions about "Civil Advocacy and Community Development" and "Open Society - Healthy Environment Proposals
Zsuzsa and Szilvi visits organizations at Szekszárd and Dunaújváros
Zsuzsa works on the strategy with the Board of Trustees
August |
24-28. Gergely organizes the Iron Curtain Bike Tour along the Drava from Magyarbóly to Letenye; György Balázs also participates from the staff
September |
1. Results of the Green Belts first round proposals are published
14. HEPF submits a proposal to the Human Renewal Operative Program to operate a grant scheme supporting community initiatives; the day after (the deadline) the National Development Agency suspends the call therefore we issue a joint open letter with other NGOs to the Agency's director about the unfair procedure
16. Szilvi gives a presentation at the Corvinus University to Erasmus students about the Green Belt Program
21: Orsi Balogh becomes part-time program assistant of the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund
24. Board of Trustees meeting
27. Greenway stand at the Etyek festival with Eva Solyom and local Greenway partners
30. Along the Tisza Greenways workshop in Abádszalók
The "Civil advocacy and community programs" autumn call for proposals is announced
The Annual Report is published
October |
5. Deadline for the 3rd round in the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund
15. Along the Tisza Greenways workshop at Csongrád
26. Deadline for proposals in the "Civil advocacy and community programs"
The study of Endre Bíró "Dream and Nightmare: Funding relationship of the state and the NGO sector", commissioned by HEPF is published. Partly as a follow up negotiations begin with the National Development Agency to review application systems
28. Workshop for donor organizations by he Hungarian Donors Forum with Vera as one of the speakers
30-2. Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development Annual Meeting in Krakow with our sister foundations
Szilvi and Évi participate at a sustainability conference of Eco-Valley. Zsuzsa visits applicants at Máriahalom and Pécs
November |
3. Launch of www.zoldutak.hu, the new national Greenway website
5. Civil Advocacy Roundtable (theme: review of the funding relationship and the public benefit system)
18. Second workshop of the Hungarian Donors Forum with Vera as a speaker
20. Meeting of the national Greenway groups. Official publication of the new Civil Code, which includes our proposals reforming foundation regulation
27. A proposal to establish an Environmental-health Information Web portal is submitted to the Environment and Energy Operational Program
Organization visits: Derekegyház, Szeged, Domaszék, Debrecen
Project writing workshops in the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund
December |
1. Greenway presentation at the first Tourism Destination Management event
3. Grant decision about proposals submitted for the "Civil advocacy and community program"
7. Registration of the Greenways Methodological Association (ZöMe), Civil Advocacy Roundtable
9. International Conference of the Iron Curtain Trail with the participation of Central European Greenways; consultation about the Cyclist Welcome certification system with Czech, Slovak and Hungarian participants (Sopron)
10. Hungarian Donors' Forum Conference and Top Corporate Philanthropists Award
16. Grantee of the Year (Protect the Future) and Real Civil Partnership (Kunadacs) Awards announced.
Second round deadline in the Green Belt 2009-10 program
20. Site visit at Zalaegerszeg
21. Deadline for second-phase (full) proposals in the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund
Four more contemporary art pieces are sold on the Pintér Sonja auction to support our activities
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