IntroductionTime Line 2009Grants DatabaseEventsAbout UsStaffContactFinancial ReportAcknowledgements

HEPF is a member of the EPSD

Our mission

The Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at enhancing the development of an environmentally aware, participatory democratic society and institutional system by strengthening and supporting the civil environmental movements.

The foundation promotes the development of the environmental movement trough providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary.


In 2009, our foundation was supported by the following organizations and businesses:

And last but not least, we would like to thank to everyone who helped with voluntary work, expertise, spiritual and material support:

Ámon Judit
Beszedics Otília
Bőle György (
Busch Bea
Dukai Balázs
Kristin Faurest
Nagy Balázs (
Pintér Aukciósház
Pallaghy Orsolya
Rákóczi Boglárka
Rosinante Fogadó (Szigetmonostor)
Simonyi Gábor
Szabó Hédy
Szigeti Tamás (
Typoézis Kft.

And thanks for all of those who made our day

Sára Lévay (Kriszta's new born baby daughter) Fickó (Orsi's dog)