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HEPF is a member of the EPSD

Our mission

The Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at enhancing the development of an environmentally aware, participatory democratic society and institutional system by strengthening and supporting the civil environmental movements.

The foundation promotes the development of the environmental movement trough providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary.

Financial Report

2008 balance sheet

Previous year (EUR*) Current year (EUR*)
A. Fixed assets
356 763
283 630
I. Intangible assets
1 459
II. Tangible assets
270 724
255 400
III. Long term investments
85 482
26 771
B. Current assets
1 017 031
2 114 425
I. Inventory
II. Accounts receivable
94 185
54 799
III. Short term investment (securities)
605 734
742 541
IV. Cash and cash equivalents
317 113
1 317 085
C. Prepaid expenses
53 985
1 825 467
Total assets
1 427 780
4 223 523
D. Own capital
1 362 867
2 398 286
I. Start up fund balance
II. Change of fund balance
1 348 605
1 331 726
III. Tied up reserve
IV. Valuation reserve
V. Result of current year
1 055 213
VI. Result of current year
from enterprise
12 924
10 553
E. Marked reserves
F. Liabilities
63 554
1 823 678
I. Subordinated liabilities
II. Long term liabilities
III. Short term liabilities
63 554
1 823 678
G. Accrued expenses
1 358
1 559
Total net worth and liabilities
1 427 780
4 223 523

Activity Statement 2008

A. Capital opening balance
1 331 726
B. Income
1. Funds received for public benefit activities
24 728
2. Grant support
3 242 457
3. Income of own activities
180 767
4. Income of enterprise
18 402
5. Bank income
353 666
Total Income
3 820 020
C. Expenses
6. Personnel
63 646
7. Programme costs
203 920
Grant programs
27 034
Greenway Program
22 815
Civil Partner Program
17 320
Norwegian Civil Fund
110 425
Cost of Partners
66 513
Own costs
43 913
15 360
10 966
8. Grants
2 225 221
Grants given in Hungary¹
2 057 026
Transboundary grants²
168 195
9. Fixed assets and depreciation
12 461
10. Bank costs
238 966
11. Other expenses
10 040
Total Expenses
2 754 254
D. Result of current year³
1 065 765
E. Capital closing balance
2 397 491
Start up fund
Capital total
2 398 286
Program carry-over⁴
1 087 571
Own capital
1 310 716

Figures in EUR

¹ Grants transferred until 31st of December, including deferred payments from last year

² Including the grants received and further transferred by HEPF to the Polish, Czech, Slovak and Romaninan and Bulgarian consortium members.

³ Not realised exchange rate profits of the grants received and transferred in EUR in the framework of NGO Fund of the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The fund is being managed on a separate bank account.

⁴ Grants committed but not yet transferred in 2008.

Auditor’s report 2008

The auditor’s report can be downloaded in PDF format.