HEPF is a member of the EPSD Our missionThe Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at enhancing the development of an environmentally aware, participatory democratic society and institutional system by strengthening and supporting the civil environmental movements. The foundation promotes the development of the environmental movement trough providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary. |
February |
28-29th: seminar for the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism NGO Fund Operators in Oslo
March |
3rd: Opening event of a Green Belt project: new public park at Rakos creek
3rd: signing the NGO Fund management contract with the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism Office
3-4th: Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development (EPSD) Directors' Meeting in Mircurea Ciuc
6th: launch of the Civic Annual Report - the chapter on environmental NGOs written by Veronika Móra
10th: Board meeting
13-14: Evaluation meeting of Alternatives to Nuclear Energy Program in Brno
“Local Interest - Local Value” training seminars for municipal civil servants: 19th: Pécs, 26th: Szeged
April |
22nd:Audit of Living Tisza Program
Deadline for proposals of Alternatives to Nuclear Energy program
18th: Green Belt Prize Award ceremony
13-14: "Treasure finder" training at Pilisszentlászló Waldorf school. With the "Treasure finder" method local children and adults create maps and rhymes about local cultural and environmental heritage. These personal and entertaining guides can be used by visitors and tourists to learn more about a region.
23rd: Aarhus Task Force meeting in the Ministry of Environment and Waters
“Local Interest - Local Value” training seminars for municipal civil servants: 2nd: Miskolc, 4th: Debrecen, 8th: Győr, 9th: Veszprém, 11th: Budapest
May |
23rd: Annual staff retreat and planning meeting at Csobánka
Negotiations begin with Project for Public Spaces about "How to turn a place around" handbook
Information fora about the NGO Fund of EEA/Norwegian Grants at the countryside: 5th: Debrecen, 6th: Eger
Szilvia Temesvari admitted to the master course of Sociology at Eötvös Lóránd University
June |
Twelve interviews and site visits with Green Belt grantees for the Hungarian version of handbook "How to turn a place around?"
9th: deadline for proposals of the NGO Fund of EEA/Norwegian Grants
0-13: Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention in Riga - with Veronika Móra representing Hungarian environmental NGOs
20th: presentation of the "Local Interest - Local Values" book to the State Secretary of the Ministry of Local Governments
28th of may - 3rd of june: Study trip for Greenway activists on the Cracow-Moravia-Vienna Greenway, organised in co-operation with ESZKE association
July |
18-19th: Protect the Future's Summer University (HEPF grantee)
24th: presentation of the "Local Interest - Local Values" book at the summer university of the Association Community Developers in Kunbábony
28-31st: NGO Fund of EEA/Norwegian Grants Evaluation Committee meetings
August |
10th: NGO Fund of EEA/Norwegian Grants announcement of results
31-3rd: Stand and presentation at the Valley of Arts Festival together with the Living Tisza Association and Kurfli Youth Organization
September |
3-5th: Annual Meeting of the Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development (EPSD) in Merciura Ciuc
Veronika Móra admitted to the Environmental Law course at Eötvös Lóránd University
October |
1st: Meeting and join statement by 13 leading Hungarian foundations about the draft of the new Civil Code
8th: Visit of international Greenway program coordinators on the Hearth-of -the-Earth Pilis Greenway
November |
4th: Board Meeting
Site visits at grantees of the NGO Fund of the EEA/Norwegian Grants: 8th Witch Farm Foundation, Bátor, 28th: Gaja Association, Székesfehérvár
9th: conference and award ceremony of the Hungarian Donors' Forum
17th: Deadline of Green Belt Proposals
December |
8th: Grants Committee decision on the Green Belt proposals
Site visits at grantees of the NGO Fund of the EEA/Norwegian Grants:19th Association for the Living Tisza, nagykörű