Forum at CEU – Grassroots movements and regional cooperation in Central Europe after 2000
At the end of October Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development (EPSD - a consortium of six foundation supporting environmental organizations) and Central European University organized an open forum about grassroots movements in Europe. The Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian and Slovak foundations presented their activities, the characteristic environmental problems of their country and discussed the situation of local movements. more…
Green Presidents at the Budakeszi Wildlife Park – Extraordinary Greenway Program
After the presidential panel of the Budapest World Science Forum, László Sólyom Hungarian, Heinz Fischer Austrian, Stjepan Mesić Croatian and Karolos Papoulias Greek Heads of State visited the Budakeszi Wildlife Park on the 8th of November. Before this event the presidents discussed the opportunities of sustainable development in the framework of the International World Science Forum at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. more…
Charitable auction
The charitable auction of Ökotárs was organized for the second time in 2007 with the aim to support conservation activities from the makings of the event. Thus, collectors could contribute not only to Hungarian contemporary art, but to conservation activities as well. more…
Greenway at the Valley of Arts, Kapolcs
Ökotárs Alapítvány presented the Greenway program for the first time at the Valley of Arts Festival in 2007. The week-long event is the most famous art and music festival in Hungary attracting more than 200 thousand people. more…