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HEPF is a member of the EPSD

Our mission

The Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at enhancing the development of an environmentally aware, participatory democratic society and institutional system by strengthening and supporting the civil environmental movements.

The foundation promotes the development of the environmental movement trough providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary.


2007 balance sheet

Previous year (USD*) Current year (USD*)
A. Fixed assets
568 841
470 139
I. Intangible assets
1 420
II. Tangible assets
331 516
356 758
III. Long term investments
235 905
112 647
B. Current assets
1 032 083
1 340 236
I. Inventory
II. Accounts receivable
86 615
124 116
III. Short term investment (securities)
572 420
798 232
IV. Cash and cash equivalents
373 049
417 889
C. Prepaid expenses
54 069
71 141
Total assets
1 654 994
1 881 517
D. Own capital
1 581 159
1 795 975
I. Start up fund balance
1 072
II. Change of fund balance
1 864 557
1 777 181
III. Tied up reserve
IV. Valuation reserve
V. Result of current year
–298 489
VI. Result of current year
from enterprise
14 138
17 031
E. Marked reserves
F. Liabilities
72 768
83 751
I. Subordinated liabilities
II. Long term liabilities
III. Short term liabilities
72 768
83 751
G. Accrued expenses
1 067
1 790
Total net worth and liabilities
1 626 403
1 881 517

Activity Statement 2007

A. Capital opening balance
1 776 991
B. Income
1. Funds received for public benefit activities
54 180
2. Grant support
3. Income of own activities
51 817
4. Income of enterprise
27 505
5. Bank income
68 101
Total Income
888 811
C. Expenses
6. Personnel
67 249
7. Programme costs
189 337
Grant programs
42 353
7 641
4 308
MOL - Green Belt
5 380
Living Tisza Alliance
12 764
Green Source
12 260
Greenway Program
64 350
26 321
7 513
30 517
82 633
Civil Partner
58 488
20 930
8. Grants
540 071
Grants given in Hungary¹
343 034
Transboundary grants²
197 037
9. Fixed assets and depreciation
17 662
10. Bank costs
49 727
11. Other expenses
7 046
Total Expenses
871 091
D. Result of current year
17 721
E. Capital closing balance
1 794 711
Start up fund
1 072
Capital total
1 795 783
Program carry-over
221 943
Own capital
1 573 840

Figures in USD

¹ Grants transferred until 31st of December, including deferred payments from last year

² Including the grants received and further transferred by HEPF to the Polish, Czech, Slovak and Romaninan and Bulgarian consortium members.

Auditor’s report 2007

The auditor’s report can be downloaded in PDF format.