Ökotárs Alapítvány presented the Greenway program for the first time at the Valley of Arts Festival in 2007. The week-long event is the most famous art and music festival in Hungary attracting more than 200 thousand people.

Ökotárs invited visitors of the event to meet each day a different Greenway region and to learn about the Greenway idea. People could taste and try the specialties (wines, honey and other delicacies) of each region, walk along the Greenway corridor set up around the tent. With the help of local craftsmen they could make pottery, paint eggs, decorate gingerbread. In seven days several thousand visitors came around the tent.
On the occasion of the event we promoted the Greenway method among local civic organizations, too. By linking the settlements of the Valley with a Greenway, the region could show that there is life after the festival as well.