“Greenways are trails or natural corridors used in harmony with their environmental function and potential for sport, tourism and recreation. Improve possibilities for transportation, recreation and tourism, and encourage a healthier lifestyle and sustainable use of local resources.”

In 2007, four new regions joined the Hungarian Greenways Program: The Buda-side land Greenway in the Zsámbék-basin, the Farm Circle Greenway at Kiskumajsa, the Greenway in Cserhát and the Heart of the Earth Pilis Greenway.
Our old and new partners had an especially eventful year. Besides several local actions, route openings and local planning processes, they also helped in the organization of nationwide events.

Börzsönyvidék Foundation, one of the oldest Greenway organizations presented their report film called “Frog-land” in February, which they prepared to promote the Duna-Ipel Greenway among local communities, enterprises and hikers.
The Our Heritages Greenway, a loop of the Duna-Ipel Greenway was ceremoniously opened in April. Primula Association the coordinator of the route held the opening event. The bike-tour was passing along nine settlements at the northern foot of the Börzsöny mountains. More than 150 people participated in the tour, most of them local citizens and the whole staff of the HEPF.

The Greenway Program as well as local Greenways again had the opportunity to participate at the Travel Fair Exhibition. Later at summer HEPF had a stall at the popular Valley of Art Festival too. Ökotárs invited visitors of the event to meet each day a different Greenway region and to learn about the Greenway idea. People could taste and try the specialties (wines, honey and other delicacies) of each region, walk along the Greenway corridor set up around the tent. With the help of local craftsmen they could make pottery, paint eggs, decorate gingerbread. In seven days several thousand visitors came around the tent.

During the year we organized several events to enhance cooperation among Greenway partners and to extend their knowledge. Coordinators of the routes and some of the mayors of the settlements along these routes joined a study tour to the Polish part of the Amber Trail Greenway to learn from their successful development examples. In June with the participation of six regions, we held training at Jászszentlászló about joint Greenway values, development methods and cooperation possibilities. The last event of the year, concerning evaluation and planning, was held at Zsámbék, the main base of the Buda-side Greenway.
In November we finalized the Partnership Declaration of Hungarian Greenways. The manifesto determines the mission of Greenways and lays down the framework of national cooperation. The declaration was signed by development organizations working on the basis of the Greenway method.