The second round of Calls for proposals under the NGO Fund of EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism was announced
in early 2009 with an April deadline. Out of the 875 applications submitted, the Evaluation Boards of the 4
thematic areas recommended 86 for support with a total of 1 552 775 EUR (read more about the supported projects
in the grant database).
Given the amount and quality of the proposals received, the evaluation committees have not used all remaining funds, as it was not intended to support weaker projects or ones incompatible with the Funds’ goals and principles only to “spend money”.
Also, by this time it was known that the Financial Mechanism would provide additional resources to the NGO Fund.
Matched with the remaining funds of the second round, thus, it became possible to announce an additional, third
call for proposals in September. Based on the experience from the first two rounds, it was decided to modify the
procedures and make the call a two-step process. In the first stage applicants could send short project ideas until
the 5th of October, from which the evaluation committees selected the most promising ones for further elaboration.
To foster successful the preparation of high quality projects a series of project-planning workshops were organized
each region. 172 full applications were thus received by the deadline, 21st of December from which the winners were
selected in the New Year.
With the evaluation and grant decision about the third round applications, the NGO Fund of the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism has been completed, the available resources were distributed. The supported projects can be tracked at the relevant section of our webpage where project related photos, events and documents are regularly updated, too.