2010 was a relatively quiet year for our foundation.
We did our job: we gave grants, we developed programs, we assisted the winners of the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund,
the Green Belt program, along the Greenways and anywhere else.
We were active in the life of organisations we helped establish - such as the Hungarian Donors Forum.
And of course we didn’t took our eyes off the civil law reform,
and other affairs we started many years ago in the Civil-Partner program.
Meanwhile, we were planning our future, an apparently ever turbulent one,
as we see ever stranger signs concerning the state of the environment as well as its management in Hungary and abroad.
According to our founding principles, as a private foundation we have to be able to do something about these in the times to come ...
You can find events and news that happened during the year in the timeline and the details of our grants in the grant list. The annual balance sheet and income statement of the foundation can be found in the financial report, while the list of our partners and supporters are in the acknowledgments, below.
Enjoy your stay!
Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation