In the hope to create a new tradition, the Tree of the Year competition was launched for the first time with the aim to raise awareness about environmental consciousness through focusing on the trees’ roles in nature and communities.
We launched a large-scale project, also new in the life of Ökotárs: to create the – Information Portal on Environmental Health.
The establishment of the Greenway Methodology Association (ZÖME) was an important step in the development of the Greenway program.
The 6.3 million € Fund, operated by Ökotárs Foundation and its partners: DemNet, Autonomia Foundation and Carpathian Foundation-Hungary, has been essentially completed.
After the fifth consecutive year on the Greenbelt Program run in cooperation with MOL company with the aim to support the communities in the creation and renewal of urban green spaces, it was time to examine its results and impacts with a comprehensive survey.
As early as the summer 2010, the new government announced its intention to launch a reform and a comprehensive review of nonprofit law.