January |
21. Consultation with the National Development Agency about the simplification of grant systems (5th occasion) |
22. Sustainable banks - “Eco-bank” project conference (supported by EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund) |
February |
4. Consultation with the National Development Agency about the simplification of grant systems (6th occasion) |
5. Zagyva-Mente Environmental and Conservation Association, Jákotpuszta, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
15. Funding proposal to the Europe for Citizens program of EU submitted |
18. Project closing event of Porta Speciosa Association (supported by EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund) |
22. Decision about 2nd phase proposals submitted to the 3rd call of EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund - 63 supported projects |
25. Consultation with the National Development Agency about the simplification of grant systems (7th occasion) |
March |
1. Grant decision about Greenbelt 2009 proposals - 28 supported projects |
2. Public participation in environmental decision making – theory and practice: Federation for the Development of Community Participation workshop organized by Ökotárs |
3. General Assembly of the Hungarian Donors Forum (president: Veronika Móra) |
4-5. Directors' Meeting of Environmental Partnership Association in Prague |
8. Greenbelt program award event – winner: Szépbánya Association |
9. Ökotárs Board of Trustees meeting |
10. Conference abut the new Civil Code organized by the Ministry of Justice and Law in the Upper House of the Parlament (Veronika Móra gives presentation about the regulation of foundations) |
26-28. National Gathering of Environmental and Nature Conservation Organisations in Hortobágy (supported by the Civil Advocacy Program), where Veronika Móra is delegated in the Advisory Committee of Gene technology Applications |
29. Civil Conference at Pécs, organized by Trilla Foundation (with the support of Civil Advocacy Program) |
30. Closing conference of Federation for the Development of Community Participation |
31. Coordination meeting about the Year of Voluntarism, organized by Volunteer Center Foundation, Greenway Project opening event at Kémes in the Ormánság region |
April |
1. Club event of the Hungarian Donors Forum |
8. Consultation with the National Development Agency about the simplification of grant systems (8th round) |
9-11. Ökotárs staff retreat, Berkenye |
15. Civil Advocacy Roundtable; GMO demo at the Spanish Embassy |
23. Grant contract of kockazatos.hu („hazardous.hu”) - Environmental-Health Info Portal signed (Environment and Energy Operative Program 6.1.0/B construction) |
23. Green Action Association and TOTEM, Tokaj, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
24. Birdsong Foundation, Dinnyés, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
27. 'Small-scale food systems' – conference of the Living-Tisza Alliance |
28. WWF, Budapest, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
29. 'Selection and evaluation of civil organisations' – Workshop of the Hungarian Donors Forum (lecturer. Zsuzsa Foltányi) |
29. Hesperus Education Foundation, Keszthely, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
24-25. Tisza Lake Spring Bike Fest |
29-30. Balaton Highland and Velem – Iron Curtain (Greenways) project launch event |
May |
11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27. Regional meetings of the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund - Budapest, Székesfehérvár, Miskolc, Győr, Nyíregyháza, Szeged, Budapest, Pécs |
3-6. Study trip to France - Mobility Plans (Greenways) |
8. Traditional bike tour on the Greenway of Our Heritages |
17. Submission of the proposal to operate the Swiss Contribution NGP Block Grant & Scholarship Fund |
27. 'Which civil organisations are the most efficient users of the received support?"- Hungarian Donors Forum workshop (moderator: Veronika Mora), closing event of the Budapest Green Map Project (supported by the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund) |
June |
2. Tavirózsa Environment and Conservation Association, Veresegyház, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
3. EMLA, Budapest, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
3. Hungarian Donors Forum club event |
4. Environmental Law training organized by the Environmental Management and Law (EMLA) |
7. Civil Advocacy Roundtable |
9. Info day about the implementation of the Environment and Energy Operative Program projects |
10. Protecting public benefit whistleblowers in environment protection - roundtable organized by Beklen Foundation (supported by the Environmental advocacy program) |
12. Opening ceremony of Károly Posztoczky Observatory, Tata (supported by the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund) |
14. Consultation about the European Year of Volunteering with the Volunteer Centre Foundation (3rd round) |
16. Tree of the Year contest announcement |
21. Sustainability Day of the Hungarian Telekom at the Palace of Arts |
21. Interregional Renewable Energy Cluster Association, Pécs and Green Valley Association, Bükkösd, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
22. NGO Supporting Systems Seminar |
25. Dorog Environmental Association, Dorog, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
28. Mentor meeting of organizations supported in The Civil Advocacy and Community Program |
29. Kockazatos.hu - Environment and Health Information Portal, 2nd project meeting |
30. Ökotárs Board of Trustees meeting |
July |
1. Greenbelt Program 2010 1st round proposals submission deadline |
7. Veronika Móra receives a masters degree as Environmental Law Specialist at ELTE |
8. Fábos Conference about landscaping and greenway development, Budapest, Corvinus University |
24-25. Panyola - Greenway gathering and World Music Festival |
August |
2. Tree of the Year 2010 contest nomination deadline |
15. Tó-region Festival at Tisza lake with a Greenway info booth |
17. Majs Hungarian-German Cultural Association, Majs, and Together for the Children of Kémes Region Foundation, Kémes, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
19. Roundforest Foundation, Szombathely, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
25. Together for Europe Association, Zalaegerszeg, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
31. Nettle Association, Veszprém, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
31. Civil Advocacy Round Table |
September |
2. Grant decision of the 1st round of the Greenbelt Program 2010; Hungarian Donors Forum club event |
7 and 28. Kockazatos.hu - Environmental-Health Info Portal 3rd & 4th project meeting |
10. The operators of the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechnism NGO Funds meet in Brussels |
10-12. Publication of the Tree of the Year 2010 finalists, public voting starts at the Plant Festival in the Budapest Zoo |
16. Éva Sólyom starts her psychology studies at the Károli Gáspár Calvinist University |
18-22. Iron-curtain Greenways bike tour |
18-19. 'Rural walks' events at Balatonmáriafürdő, Gadány, Kéthely, Nemesdéd, Somogyszentpál, Vése, Marcali and Sárbogárd, organised by Ökotárs in the framework of the Corvinus University TÉKA project |
21 and 28. Community placemaking training for the 1st round winners of Greenbelt 2010 |
23. Civil Advocacy Roundtable |
23. TÁR-S Association and CSEMETE, Szeged, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
27. NGOs for the Openness of National Development Planning working group meeting |
28. Independent Ecological Centre Foundation, Budapest, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
29. Körös Valley Nature Park Association, Homo Faber Foundation, Common Point Association, Békéscsaba, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
October |
1. Green Connection Association, Miskolc, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
7. Hungarian Donors Forum club event |
8. Youth Union Szekszárd, Szekszárd, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
10. For Gödör Club Cultural Association, Budapest, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
11-12. Carpathian Foundation's 15th anniversary conference at Kassa |
14. Civil Advocacy Roundtable |
19. 'Civil Excellence' (EFQM) trademark 1st training |
21. Public consultation about the New Széchenyi Plan |
21.-23. Pilis Greenway training: service providers involvement |
26. Hungarian Ornithological Society, Budapest, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
29. 'Why are sustainable things unsustainable?' - conference at the Parlamentary Ombudsmen's Office |
31. Rákoshegy Sky Association, Budapest, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
November |
2. Civil Excellence' (EFQM) trademark 2nd training |
2. Inspi-ration Association, E-mission, Carpathian Association, Nyíregyháza, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
3. NYIFE, Nyíribrony, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
3. Hungarian Donors Forum club event |
4. 20th birthday party of the Energy Club at Merlin Theatre |
5. Community conference in Kunbábony |
6. Budapest Corso meeting at Club Tündérgyár (supported by the Civil Advocacy program) |
9-11. Annual conference of the Environmental Partnership Association in Banska Bystrica |
12. 20th anniversary of Autonomia Foundation at the French Institute |
16. South-Nyírség-Bihar Landscape and Culture Protection Association, Debrecen, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
17. GATE Green Club 15th anniversary event, Gödöllő |
18. Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Gene technology Applications, Tree of the Year 2010 contest award event, the winner is: Plane of Letenye |
19. 'Sustainability Summit' - Market and Profit conference in Balatonfüred |
20. Screech-owl Protector Foundation, Orosztony, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
25. 'Government-Civil Society Relations: international conference' organised by Ökotárs, Polgár-társ Foundation and the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law at the Representatives' Office Building (100 participants) |
26. Meeting of nonprofit law specialists |
December |
1. Project assasesment of the Hungarian Organization Developers' 'Social Impact' project (funded by EEA/ Norwegian NGO Fund) |
6. Closing conference of the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund (approx. 160 participants) |
9. 'Risky chemicals - pesticides and their peers' expert roundtable organized by Ökotárs and the Clean Air Task Force (approx. 30 participants) |
9. CEEWEB, Budapest, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
14. Returning Path Conservation Association, Kács, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
15. Syndicate Association and Amateur meteorologists Association, Budapest, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
20. Magosfa Foundation, Vác, EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund site visit |
20. Partners Hungary's 20th birthday event |
31. Civil advocacy and community development: deadline for grant applications |
Preparation of the Quality Management system of Ökotárs begins. |