Code |
Grantees name |
Project name |
Amount (USD) |
Type |
Topic |
County |
City |
PP | Hungarian Foundation for Self-Reliance | Bridging credit (loan) | 47 650 USD | action | general | Budapest | Budapest |
A bridging credit was provided to help out the foundation from a risky financial situation caused by a delayed EU grant. |
PP | Association for Living Bodrog | Operational costs | 714 USD | action | water | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | Sárospatak |
The organization was established in 2005 with the aim to explore the infrastructural development possibilities of the Bodrog river, and foster the rehabilitation of its shores. They work in cooperation with competent environmental and water authorities and other NGOs. HEPF supported their operational costs. |
PP | Bükk-region Environmental Association | Operational costs and office equipment | 1 429 USD | operation | conservation, agriculture | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | Tardona |
The young organization is working on the preservation of Istállóskő cave and the rehabilitation of the ex-lege protected marshland at Tardona. HEPF supported the operation costs. |
PP | Nettle' Nature and Environment Protection Association | Promotion film | 1 429 USD | information | general | Veszprém | Veszprém |
The organization prepared a promotion film presenting their goals and activities which they can use for fundraising, for volunteer recruitment, etc. HEPF supported the production costs and the subtitling of the film. |
PP | Nettle' Nature and Environment Protection Association | Grantee of the year | 1 191 USD | action | general | Veszprém | Veszprém |
Nettle Association is playing an important role in initiating and sustaining environmental and conservation programs in Veszprém and its neighborhood. Their work in consumer protection and environmental education as well as their tree-planting program is outstanding in the region. |
PP | Sapling Association (CSEMETE) | Credit to rehabilitate the St Stephen water tower (loan) | 20 871 USD | action | traffic, air | Csongrád | Szeged |
HEPF provided an intermediate credit for the rehabilitation of Saint Stephen water tower and its environs, hindered by the delay of an EU grant installment. |
PP | Csongrád and Region Bioculture Association | Bio-reform cuisine at the Csirimálé wheat-fest | 953 USD | action | general | Csongrád | Csongrád |
A festival and conference about organic agriculture and environment was organized for the South-Plain region. |
PP | Living Water Nature Protection Association | Frog-saving action | 619 USD | action | conservation, agriculture | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | Jászberény |
The association regularly saves frogs along the 311 highway with the help of volunteers ranging from children to the elderly. HEPF supported the costs of the action. |
PP | Association for Vanishing Cultures | Living traditions and environmental problems at the beginning of the 21st century | 953 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
A photo exhibition about indigenous people living along the Amazon in close relation with nature was organized with the aim to present vanishing cultures and global environmental problems. |
PP | Forest School Foundation | Strategic planning | 1 906 USD | operation | general | Pest | Szentendre |
The foundation initiated a nonprofit business to diversify the financial basis of their existing programs and services (environmental education, camps, etc.). HEPF supported the strategic planning process of the organization. |
PP | Together For Szent László Association (ESZKE) | On roller skates to sustainability Sustainability grant | 1 429 USD | operation | general | Pest | Pilisszentlászló |
The sustainability grant helped the stabilization of the organization. |
PP | Fair World Fair Trade Alliance | Latching the Hungarian Fair Trade movement on to the international network | 714 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
The alliance was established in 2006 by 6 organizations with the aim to promote and support the Hungarian Fair Trade movement. From the networking point of view, it is very important that the newly established organization can participate at international conferences, therefore HEPF supported their international travel costs. |
PP | Fauna Association | Publishing the Fauna newsletter as a tool for individual fundraising | 2 818 USD | information | conservation, agriculture | Budapest | Budapest |
The association launched a regular newsletter as a tool to re-establish communication with earlier members, volunteers, sympathizers and to collect possible new supporters. |
PP | Upper Tisza Foundation | Community programs for sustainable consumption | 1 143 USD | information | education | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Nyíregyháza |
HEPF supported the costs of a project of the foundation involving an environmental action-day and a drawing contest about environmentally conscious shopping for the kindergartens of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. Besides kids, educators and parents, local decision makers have been involved, too. The results and the program and the drawing will be published in the form of an online handbook. |
PP | Earth Day Foundation | Publishing the State of the World 2006 (loan) | 2 382 USD | information | general | Pest | Budaörs |
The reimbursable grant allowed the foundation to publish the “State of the World” report for the sixteenth time. The 10 chapters of the publication cover 10 environmental problems from ecological globalization to overpopulation. |
PP | Independent Ecological Centre | Advisory help for the tree planting program | 476 USD | action | general | Budapest | Budapest |
The Centre gave professional advice during the development of the tree-planting program of HEPF. |
PP | Independent Ecological Centre | Kaláka at Vigántpetend | 1 667 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
The foundation is running an environmental education center in the Dörögdi basin (north of the Lake Balaton). They organize an 11 day event to prepare a roof for the shed (to be used as a lecture hall) together with volunteers from civic organizations and building trainees. Besides this they will spend one day with cleaning the local river and building a “bench of everyone”. HEPF supported the costs of these activities. |
PP | Hajdúböszörmény Youth Nature Protection Club | Cooperation of environmental organizations for professional lobbying | 3 335 USD | action | general | Hajdú-Bihar | Hajdúböszörmény |
A new environmental advisory and coordination office was be opened in Debrecen city with HEPF's support. |
PP | Harmony House Association | Rehabilitation of the Soroksár small Danube-bend | 953 USD | action | water | Budapest | Budapest |
Using HEPF's support the organization monitored the preparation of rehabilitation works – dredging – at the Soroksár small Danube-bend. |
PP | Homo Faber Foundation | Biorhythm festival – promoting the consumption of local biofoods | 1 429 USD | action | conservation, agriculture | Békés | Békéscsaba |
Homo Faber is working at Békéscsaba since 1999. HEPF supported the Biorhythm festival where lectures, exhibitions and biofood-tastings welcomed visitors. |
PP | CARST Nature Protection and Environmental Association | Campaign about the risks of plastic-burning at home | 953 USD | information | waste | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | Szögliget |
The association was founded by experts related to the National Parks of Bükk and Hortobágy. During the program they involved about 20 settlements and 12,000 people in the awareness raising campaign about the risks of “plastic-burning at home”. |
PP | Blue Fountain Association | Water-sprinkling Project – water and society | 2 191 USD | action | water | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | Jászberény |
In the framework of the project a series cultural events, research projects, etc. have been carried out about the interconnections of water and society. |
PP | Round Forest Foundation | Enhancing the public support to environment protection through cultural events at Szombathely | 2 144 USD | information | general | Vas | Szombathely |
In order to improve its constituency, the foundation organized a series of cultural events, in which they combined human and natural sciences. HEPF supported the organization costs of the events. |
PP | For our environment – Forest School Foundation | How to build from straw | 357 USD | information | general | Bács-Kiskun | Harkakötöny |
Straw bale architecture is an environmental and cheap technology. The foundation promoted its methods and use among local people and decision makers. HEPF supported the promotion actions. |
PP | Environmental Association of Érd | Together for the living world | 1 429 USD | action | conservation, agriculture | Pest | Érd |
The organization's regular newsletter “The Town Protector” has been published since November 2005. HEPF supported the printing costs of on issue. |
PP | Bird Hospital Foundation | Sustainability grant Bird-saving migrant-exhibition | 3 907 USD | action | conservation, agriculture | Hajdú-Bihar | Hortobágy |
A traveling exhibition, a bird-park and renovation of the bird hospital were realized from the sustainability grant. |
PP | Hungarian Environmental Education Association | Experimental MÉTA landscape workshops | 953 USD | information | education | Budapest | Budapest |
HEPF supported the activity of the MÉTA landscape research workshops with operational costs for the first pilot year. During this, 4 groups will carry out concrete projects using the landscape database compiled by the Academy's Ecological and Botanic Research Institution. |
PP | Vigilance and Village Protection Association of Máriahalom | Think globally act locally – how to do it? | 381 USD | action | traffic, air | Komárom-Esztergom | Máriahalom |
The problems and practical solutions to water, energy and waste management in small settlements and households have been presented in the form of field-trainings and presentations. HEPF supported the costs of these events. |
PP | Melius Foundation | Melius Days | 619 USD | information | general | Baranya | Pécs |
The foundation is working since 1990. This time we supported a week long environmental event held, called Melius Days between the 10-13-th of august. |
PP | For our village Foundation | Sustainability grant | 4 002 USD | operation | conservation, agriculture | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | Mezőnagymihály |
The sustainability grant helped the stabilization of the organization. |
PP | Moebius Association | Operational costs | 953 USD | operation | general | Hajdú-Bihar | Debrecen |
The association is working with young people. With their involvement, they mapped local rivers, and based on the materials and information collected, an exhibition was organized and a webpage developed. HEPF supported their operational costs. |
PP | Association of Environmentalists and Tradition keepers of Nagyréde | Sustainability grant Developing a community place | 4 193 USD | action | general | Heves | Nagyréde |
The sustainability grant helped the stabilization of the organization. |
PP | Hungarian Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid | New challenges of international development – conference (loan) | 16 677 USD | training | general | Budapest | Budapest |
Intermediate credit was provided to cover the costs of a post-financed conference about international development. |
PP | Nimfea Environmental Association | Launching a horse keeping (grooming) service Sustainability grant | 2 382 USD | operation | conservation, agriculture | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | Túrkeve |
The sustainability grant helped the stabilization of the organization. |
PP | Noah's Ark Association | Developing the Noah garden | 714 USD | action | conservation, agriculture | Pest | Gödöllő |
HEPF supported the eco-garden of the association, where herbs and rare vegetables are being displayed in order to promote alternative agriculture. |
PP | NOE Ludotéka – Ferencváros | From wheatear to cluster of grapes – green-white at Ferencváros | 476 USD | action | general | Budapest | Budapest |
A residential community in the 9th district of Budapest is promoting an environmentally conscious lifestyle by showing personal example. HEPF supported a series of events about these issues. |
PP | Nyírség Library Foundation | Natural heritage of our region and its conservation | 953 USD | action | conservation, agriculture | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Nyíregyháza |
HEPF supported the organization of a series of environmental events (film screenings, contests, presentations) for local children about the environmental heritage of the region. |
PP | Open Garden Foundation | Interim organizational support, implementing new strategy | 4 841 USD | operation | conservation, agriculture | Pest | Gödöllő |
The foundation, promoting the production and marketing of organic agriculture has recently refreshed its image and the structure of the organization. HEPF supported this process and the salary of a new employee. |
PP | Old Mountain Territory Association | Operational costs | 238 USD | operation | general | Pest | Sóskút |
The newly-formed organization is trying to protect the “Old-mountain” of Sóskút in the agglomeration area of Budapest. HEPF supported their operational costs. |
PP | Palocsa Association | Environmental Impact Assessment about the revitalization of the regulated section of Gyöngyös-creek | 2 382 USD | information | water | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | Zalkod |
The association prepared an environmental impact assessment study about the possible rehabilitation of the Gyöngyös-stream that will be passed on to the local people concerned (municipalities, residents) and form a basis for the future environmental permission process. |
PP | Planet Foundation | Dynamic Planet 2006 | 1 206 USD | training | education | Budapest | Budapest |
HEPF supported the organizational development process and training of the group working on the field of international volunteer mediation and globalization. |
PP | Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation | Village center rehabilitation | 4 765 USD | action | general | | Miercuria Ciuc |
In solidarity with its Romanian sister foundation, HEPF supported the rehabilitation of the Kobátfal village-center devastated during the 2004 floods. |
PP | Rába Union | Supporting the operation of Rába Union | 1 119 USD | operation | water | Győr-Moson-Sopron | Sobor |
The union stands for the for the rights of the people living along the Rába river and for the landscape. They are active in developing environmental friendly tourism, organize cultural events, etc. HEPF supported the operational costs of the organization. |
PP | Rákoscsaba Újtelep Association | Public control over a mine yard in the 17th district of Budapest | 953 USD | information | conservation, agriculture | Budapest | Budapest |
The association, established in 1994 is working with the aim to improve the living conditions of rákoscsaba-újtelep inhabitants and to enhance the representation of their interests. The organization supports environment-reconstruction programs and enhances public participation through informing local communities about new investments and other information. From the beginning they are working to solve the environmental problems caused by the wastedump that was formed at the earlier Naplás street pebble mine. HEPF supported the development of a monitoring system, which will help control if the new mineyard that was created during the building of the M0 highway is ran properly. The association feels that the local government didn't pay enough attention to many important aspects during the authorisation and preparation process. They want to ensure that the mine will cause the least possible pollution to the neighbouring inhabited area and the recultivation will be fulfilled. The grant covered the costs of information and organization. |
PP | Retextil Foundation | Retextil Tribe Action Group | 1 906 USD | action | waste | Baranya | Pécs |
The foundation recycles household and industry textile waste, using an original technique. The Retextil Tribe Action Group is promoting this activity at festivals. HEPF supported the costs of special mobile yard that facilitates the work of the “Tribe”. |
PP | Buds Foundation | Bridging credit (loan) | 3 430 USD | operation | traffic, air | Budapest | Budapest |
The intermediate credit helped the foundation in a financial situation when other grant supports were delayed. |
PP | Association for Sárbogárd region | Promoting selective waste collection | 1 191 USD | information | waste | Fejér | Sárbogárd |
The organization printed and disseminated a 6-8 pages long publication “Civil Thinker” among local people in 4000 copies to inform them about conscious environment use, waste prevention and selective waste collection. |
PP | Solymár Environmental Association | Greenfest | 238 USD | action | general | Pest | Solymár |
By organizing a green event with several attractive programs, the organization wanted to promote its activities and enhance their reputation. |
PP | Association for Film-art of Szeged | Csizmazia György Nature Film Festival, Pusztaszer 2006 | 1 334 USD | information | general | Csongrád | Szeged |
75 nature films were screened at the second “Csizmazia György Nature Film Festival” for about 750 participants. HEPF supported the event with the costs of the publications. |
PP | Approach Change for Life Association | Operational costs | 381 USD | operation | general | Budapest | Budapest |
The organization aims at decreasing the harms of civilization by promoting healthy lifestyles, environmental agriculture etc. HEPF supported their operational costs. |
PP | Approach Change for Life Association | Vital Dishes event | 381 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
With the monthly events named “Vital Dishes” the organization aims at promoting healthy lifestyle and cuisine. |
PP | Sze-lá-vi – Environmental and Cultural Association of Szent László Water | Operational costs, 3 month salary of one employee | 1 267 USD | operation | water | Fejér | Tordas |
The foundation is working on the long-term revitalization of the Saint Laszlo-water creek. HEPF supported this work by covering 3 month salary of one employee. |
PP | Advisors for Sustainable Development | Mobil office | 1 114 USD | operation | general | Budapest | Budapest |
HEPF supported the group of organizational development advisors with the costs of a laptop to help them in their mobile work. |
PP | Foundation for the Rights of Nature (TeJA) | Operational support | 833 USD | operation | conservation, agriculture | Tolna | Szekszárd |
The foundation aims at preserving the ever diminishing native forests, more specifically they monitor their status and maintenance in the South-Transdanubian region. |
PP | Conservation Association of Tokaj (TOTEM) | Complex environmental education in Tokaj | 1 429 USD | information | general | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | Tokaj |
HEPF supported the publication of the Highland Magazine which is an important element of the association's environmental education program. |
PP | Dilemma Environmental Association | Environment protection in disadvantaged regions | 1 191 USD | information | waste | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | Tiszagyenda |
Presentation series and a resident forum were organized about the hazardous impacts of pesticides, the Vásárhelyi Plan and the possibilities offered by the Natura 2000 program. |
PP | Protect the Future | Fair Pay – Fair Play | 476 USD | action | general | Budapest | Budapest |
An important goal of the Fair Trade movement is to stop child labour. Connecting to football events the Hungarian group joined the “red card” world campaign and collected 1201 signatures on red postcards. HEPF supported the printing costs of these. |
PP | Protect the Future | Fair trade at festivals -film | 881 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
Protect the Future has shot a documentary about the Fair Trade Movement in Hungary, by introducing the participating activists, NGOs and the opinion of economists. |
PP | Venic' Nature Protection Foundation | Operational costs | 476 USD | operation | conservation, agriculture | Veszprém | Ajka |
The foundation aims to collect concrete biological knowledge as a basis of conservation policies. Initially, they focus on more articular groups (e.g. Tracheophyta, Vertebrates, Insects) and will later expand the scope of their work. HEPF supported the operational costs of the foundation. |
PP | Hungarian Young Greens Association (ZÖFI) | Budapest picnic | 1 429 USD | information | conservation, agriculture | Budapest | Budapest |
The association aimed at raising awareness about the unbearable traffic and air situation of the capital, through organizing a one day event in the otherwise crowded tunnel under the castle, also connected to their 5th anniversary. During the day, visitors could play volleyball, badminton or chess, try juggling or sit and listen to the piano player. HEPF supported the costs of the event. |
PP | Hungarian Young Greens Association (ZÖFI) | Cycling manual | 1 191 USD | action | traffic, air | Budapest | Budapest |
An international cycling manual was translated and published targeting majors especially. |
PP | Green-Bridge Regional Energy Efficiency and Environmental Foundation | Global Education – Educational package for formal and informal training of youth | 2 201 USD | information | general | Baranya | Pécs |
With the help of HEPF, an educational package about Global Education was re-printed and disseminated. |
AA | Energy Club | Protect the climate | 26 967 USD | action | energy | Budapest | Budapest |
The organization received support to enhance Central European networking about climate change. |
AA | Energy Club | Public control and publicity in the nuclear matters | 15 524 USD | action | energy | Budapest | Budapest |
The goal of the program was to take steps against the lifetime extension of the Paks NPP, to increase the transparency of the nuclear sector and to ensure the public participation in the decision-making processes. To this end Energy Club continued to be in contact with the nuclear and environmental authorities, Members of Parliament. They took part in the environmental licensing processes, and kept on working together with other greens, and carried on informing the media and the public. |
AA | Energy Club | Chernobyl+20: commemoration to the 20th anniversary | 5 880 USD | action | energy | Budapest | Budapest |
With the collaboration of other Hungarian NGOs (Protect, Greenpeace) Energy Club organized a campaign for the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster to pay tribute to the victims of the catastrophe. In the framework of the project, freecards (with stickers) were printed and disseminated, a publication and a new issue of the “230” magazine was be published, and a commemoration was organized. |
AA | Energy Club | Joint Project | 8 818 USD | action | traffic, air | Budapest | Budapest |
Within the framework of the Joint Project, coordinated by the Austrian Ökoinstitut, Central European green NGOs elaborated a common opinion on the EU Green Paper on energy policy, and sent it to the relevant European institutions. The partners also monitored the afterlife of the Green Paper, following up the related developments. |
Trust | European Center for Nonprofit Law | Local Interest – Local Values | 19 393 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
Within the framework of the Civil-Partner Trust program, ECNL coordinated the development of a guide book and code of conduct on state-civil society cooperation, targeting primarily local decision makers and civil servants. |
Trust | Independent Ecological Center | 4th report about the Openness of the National Development Planning | 972 USD | action | traffic, air | Budapest | Budapest |
HEPF has again contributed to the printing costs of the 4th report of the Working Group for the Openness of the National Development Planning, monitoring public participation in the preparation of strategic documents. |
Trust | Landorhegy Foundation | | 707 USD | information | general | Zala | Zalaegerszeg |
Trust | Hungarian Transportation Club | With train on the side-lines too | 2 382 USD | action | traffic, air | Budapest | Budapest |
The club is working since 1991 with the aim to raise awareness about the impacts of ever increasing traffic. They try to save abandoned side-lines of railways with several tools from awareness raising events to lobbying. To promote the use of these lines, they initiated a stamp-collection movement and organize regular demonstration trips. HEPF supported the costs of these events. |
Trust | Volunteer Center Foundation | Guide Book to the Act on Volunteering | 3 526 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
In order to help its implementation, the foundation published a guide book for NGOs to the Act on Volunteering. HEPF supported its printing costs and the honoraria of the authors. |
Trust | Green Club of Pécs | Forming a network of civil forums working on the field of regional development | 1 429 USD | information | general | Baranya | Pécs |
The civil forums are part of the regional development institutional system, working along the regional development committees. The Green Club aims at organizing them into a network to enhance their efficiency. |
Trust | Personal Environmentalists Association (SZIKE) | Grantee of the year | 1 191 USD | action | traffic, air | Budapest | Budapest |
HEPF honored the organization for their outstanding work on exercising public participation rights through litigation about the environmental permit of the M0 motorway. |
Trust | Personal Environmentalists Association (SZIKE) | M0 lawsuit | 1 429 USD | action | traffic, air | Budapest | Budapest |
HEPF supported the lawsuit against the environmental permit of the M0 motorway. |
Trust | Environmental Advisory Service Foundation | Landscape Academy – public forum about the impacts of society and environment on the landscape | 1 143 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
In the framework “Landscape Academy”, an open forum about the future of the landscape is being held with the involvement of university students, civic organizations and decision makers. Main questions of the forum were: the National Development Plan's effects on the countryside, living habitats, etc; the impacts of the agricultural support system on landscape and how linear infrastructure (roads etc.) development influences landscape elements. |
Trust | Protect the Future | Evaluating the transformation of the environmental and conservation administration | 1 429 USD | information | general | Budapest | Budapest |
Environmental NGOs have been monitoring and criticizing the transformation of the water-, environment- and nature protection authorities since 2003 constantly. Protect the Future has prepared a survey about the real impacts and efficiency of these changes and confronts them with the planned goals of the government. |
Tree | Ady Endre Elementary School | Deep-rooted trees grow high (Tree-planting at Tenyő) | 547 USD | action | traffic, air | Győr-Moson-Sopron | Tenyő |
The school made the best of the tree-planting event: their action attracted new sympathizers who will hopefully support them on the long run too. |
Tree | Ivy Environmental Education Center | Tree planting – Szombathely | 952 USD | action | traffic, air | Vas | Szombathely |
The tree-planting action has been carried out in the framework of an environmental contest for students. |
Tree | Sapling Association | Tree planting – Szeged | 619 USD | operation | conservation, agriculture | Csongrád | Szeged |
The well-known association planted 95 trees in the least green area of Szeged city. |
Tree | Boundless Heart Foundation | Community place instead of illegal waste dump (Tree planting at Esztergom) | 571 USD | action | traffic, air | Komárom-Esztergom | Esztergom |
15 volunteers cleared away the local illegal waste dump then planted the area with young trees. |
Tree | Association of Ipel-valley Community Televisioners | Sport ground forestation (Tree-planting at Balassagyarmat) | 953 USD | action | traffic, air | Nógrád | Balassagyarmat |
The tree-planting program mobilized the whole settlement: civic organizations, individuals, local enterprises, school groups and an on-line newspaper have joined the action where the sport ground has been forested. |
Tree | Regional Elementary School | Green Heart Tree planting – Szil | 953 USD | action | traffic, air | Győr-Moson-Sopron | Szil |
Volunteers have worked on the new micro-botanical garden of the local school, which in the future will also be used for educational purposes. |
Tree | Be good if you are able! – for the Kids of Pilismarót, Exceptional Public Benefit Foundation | Tree-planting at Pilismarót | 924 USD | action | traffic, air | Komárom-Esztergom | Pilismarót |
With the forestation of an empty field by the sport hall a new community meeting space was established with the help of HEPF. |
Tree | Vigilance and Village protection Association of Máriahalom | Tree planting – Máriahalom | 636 USD | action | general | Komárom-Esztergom | Máriahalom |
The whole village as well as members of the association were working in the tree-planting program. Saplings were planted in the kindergarten and the school yard, in the playground, the sport court and along the main roads. |
Tree | King Matthias Elementary School | Together for green environment Tree planting – Kaszaper | 953 USD | action | traffic, air | Békés | Kaszaper |
More than 300 people have been mobilized by the tree planting program of the village. Civic organizations, together with the local government and school students planted more than 250 saplings. |
Tree | Foundation for Mihálygerge | Let the lime-tree blossom in the Lime-wood! Tree planting – Mihalygerge | 943 USD | action | conservation, agriculture | Nógrád | Mihálygerge |
55 local people participated in the tree-planting action in which the sport court, the church garden and the environs of the graveyard have been rehabilitated. |
Tree | Foundation for Mihálygerge | Let the lime-tree blossom in the Lime-wood! Tree planting – Mihalygerge | 943 USD | action | traffic, air | Nógrád | Mihálygerge |
56 local people participated in the tree-planting action in which the sport court, the church garden and the environs of the graveyard have been rehabilitated. |
Tree | Educators of Sóshartyán and Friends Association | Together for healthy environment and earth (Tree planting – Sóshartyán ) | 897 USD | action | traffic, air | Nógrád | Sóshartyán |
HEPF supported the forestation of the first playground in the municipality. The local organization planted 130 saplings. |
Tree | Terény Village Association | Creating the Terény promenade Tree planting – Terény | 891 USD | action | traffic, air | Nógrád | Terény |
With the help of local people, habitats of native tree species have been developed in the inner areas of the settlement. |
Tree | Váchartyán Kindergarten Kids Foundation | Tree planting – Váchartyán | 905 USD | action | traffic, air | Pest | Váchartyán |
With the support of the local community and HEPF, the foundation could rehabilitate and hedge the court of the kindergarten and the school with 50 saplings. |
GW | Börzsöny-region Foundation | Promoting Greenway along the Lower-Ipel | 4 955 USD | action | traffic, air | Pest | Szob |
This civic organization initiated a micro-regional community development program. Within these activities they have prepared a short film about Greenways as a method and tool of local community and rural development. In the same area (Lower Ipoly river valley) a longer section of the Amber Trail Greenway was also signposted in the fall in cooperation with HEPF and the Magosfa Foundation. |
GW | Castanea Environmental Association | Greenway center in the Youth Camp of Sopron | 5 146 USD | action | education | Győr-Moson-Sopron | Sopron |
They elaborated a feasibility study about the Three Lands Greenway, to be followed by building two interpretative trails about solar energy and the birds of the forests in the area, which are parts of the Greenway that will be opened on the “Day of Birds and Trees”, 10 May 2007. In addition, an information centre in the Sopron youth camp is under construction, using a traditional method of interlacing living willow branches. |
GW | Sugárkankalin (Primula elatior) Tourism Association | On the way of our heritages | 1 191 USD | action | traffic, air | Budapest | Drégelypalánk |
The association elaborated a feasibility study and a strategy plan to realize a local Greenway loop of the Amber Trail Greenway, called the Heritage Trail. As a first step, they signposted the route, organized several field trips and carried out survey around the 9 settlements connected by the new Greenway. Negotiations between the association and other NGOs dealing with eco-tourism and Greenways were held about the design of the information panels, logos, frames, etc. The opening ceremony of the Heritage Trail Greenway will be on “Earth Day” – 22 April 2007. |
GW | Hungarian Cyclists' Club | Earth Day Events at 22nd of April | 5 070 USD | action | traffic, air | Nógrád | Budapest |
HEPF supported the organizational costs of this year's Critical Mass bicycle demonstration attracting 32,000 people. |
GW | City Culture Center (Rétság) | Booklet series about the villages of the region (Romhány, Kétbodony, Szente, Kisecset) | 1 906 USD | information | general | Nógrád | Rétság |
Booklet series about the villages of the region (Romhány, Kétbodony, Szente, Kisecset) |