Campaign for global solidarity
Our world is obviously torn apart by inequality. The “developed” countries are preoccupied by increasing their own well-being, while for a considerable part of the world’s present population, elementary financial stability, peace and a healthy environment are but dreams.
The world mighty be circular, but it is not round.
Though entering into the web of global interconnectedness, most Hungarians know very little about the nature of global problems, about the opportunities and responsibilities that Hungary – as a new EU member, and thus a member of the so called “developed” world – has within this global sphere.
While in a certain sense decisions are being made at centers ever further from the “average person”, it is important to stress that each and every one of us can play a part in making a the world a fairer (rounder) place. Symbolic gestures as well as actions leading to very concrete results – conscious shopping, Internet protests, consumer boycotts, sustainable use of resources, volunteering both at home and abroad, reduction of waste, utilization of communal transport and cycling, regular donations, articulation of views on foreign policy – are all ways through which both on a local and a global level – people can help make the world round!
The Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (DemNet Hungary), Anthropolis Association, the Ökotárs Foundation (Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation), ZöFi (Hungarian Young Greens) and HAND (Hungarian Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid) have initiated a joint campaign to strengthen the notion and practice of global solidarity through providing information about international development and the Hungarian NGOs active in these fields.