The grantee of the year award in 2006 was divided between the Personal Environmentalists Association (SZIKE) and the Nettle Nature and Environment Protection Association. The two associations deserved the prize with launching innovative programs, the professional delivery of these and the creditable and accountable use of grants.
Personal Environmentalists Association (SZIKE)
SZIKE became well known through its struggle against the further construction of the M0 ring road. The significant media appearance quickly brought unpopularity for the organization and suppressed their outstanding environmental work. They have been attacked for exercising their public participation rights through environmental activities, though without the consequent exercise of these environmental aspects would have been neglected and basic democratic rights trespassed, too.
Nettle Association
Nettle Association is playing an important role in initiating and sustaining environmental and conservation programs in Veszprém and its neighborhood. Their work in consumer protection and environmental education as well as their tree-planting program is outstanding in the region.