Examples of supported projects
Palocsa Association
The predecessor of the Palocsa Association was established in 1996 in Zalkod, in the Bodrogköz. The aim of the association is to restore the harmony of the man and nature. Today they have two main research areas; forest evolution and water management based on water retention methods. Besides research projects and landscape rehabilitation the organization participates in several policy programs (National Forest Program, Development of Vásárhelyi Plan, National Drought Strategy etc.) as well.
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Rákoscsaba Újtelep Association
The association, established in 1994 is working with the aim to improve the living conditions of people living in the Rákoscsaba-újtelep district of Budapest, and to enhance the representation of their interests. The organization supports environment-reconstruction programs and enhances public participation through informing local communities about new investments and other information. From the beginning they are working to solve the environmental problems caused by the waste dump that was formed at the earlier Naplás street gravel pit.
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Hungarian Young Greens
It is becoming almost conventional that the Hungarian Young Greens are organizing the most spectacular actions in the capital. In June, they held their 5th birthday party in the Tunnel of Budapest.
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Hungarian Transport Club
The main task of the Club, established in 1989, is to speak up in the interests of environment friendly public transport, pedestrians and cyclists. They cooperate with related interest groups to meet common goals, e.g. hikers and cyclist associations. Given that mobility is a major factor in air pollution, the organization joins forces and office space with Clean Air Action Group.
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Green Circle
The organization, formerly known as the Youth Conservationist Association of Hajdúböszörmény filled a gap by opening a coordination and advisory office in Debrecen with the help of HEPF. Though there are several strong and active organizations in Hajdú-Bihar county, there wasn't any one working in the county capital.
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Retextil Foundation
Retextil Foundation’s aim is to promote an original know-how of recycling domestic and industrial second-hand textiles. Using a traditional, manual textile technique, the common human ability of creativeness can be developed and at same time textile waste be reduced.
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