With train on the sidelines too!
The main task of the Club, established in 1989, is to speak up in the interests of environment friendly public transport, pedestrians and cyclists. They cooperate with related interest groups to meet common goals, e.g. hikers and cyclist associations. Given that mobility is a major factor in air pollution, the organization joins forces and office space with Clean Air Action Group.
They try to save abandoned sidelines of railways with several tools from awareness raising events to lobbying. To promote the use of these lines, they initiated a kilometer stamp-collection movement and organized regular demonstration trips to many attractive places like Sirok, Tiszafüred etc. A conference was organized at the end of these events with the participation of stakeholders. A product of the conference was a recommendation about possible solutions that was distributed to the relevant ministries and ministers, to the Traffic Committee of the Parliament and to the Prime Minister. HEPF supported the costs of these events.