In 2007, the Hungarian Ministry for Environment and Waters supported environmental non-profit organizations with 104 million HUF (€ 422,936) in the framework of the Green Source Program. Early in the year, Ökotárs Alapítvány (HEPF) was contracted to manage the grant process as an independent expert, carrying out tasks ranging from formal evaluation to program monitoring. The fund was allocated to support projects under the following topics:
- Civic participation in realizing the goals of the thematic action programs under the second National Environmental Program: out of 223 proposals 69 program received 36,350,000 HUF support (€ 147,824)
- Implementing environmental education programs: out of 146 proposals 53 programs received 9,500,000 HUF support (€ 38,634)
- Implementing tasks related to the reduction of gas emissions causing greenhouse effect: out of 102 proposals 41 programs received 58,000,000 HUF support (€ 235,868)