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HEPF is a member of the EPSD

Our mission

The Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at enhancing the development of an environmentally aware, participatory democratic society and institutional system by strengthening and supporting the civil environmental movements.

The foundation promotes the development of the environmental movement trough providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary.

Living Tisza

The Living Tisza – Tisza Biodiversity Program supported by the United Nations Development Program Global Environmental Facility (UNDP/GEF) aims at developing and promoting alternative floodplain management systems that provide for flood prevention, nature conservation and rural economic development at the same time.

HEPF has been contracted by the Living Tisza Alliance to manage the micro grant scheme of the program; besides administering the proposals we have also been helping the work of the Alliance’s experts.

The program provided professional and financial support in six model areas along the river (Bereg, Bodrogköz, Kesznyéten, Nagykörű, Borsodi Mezőség, Nagykörű, Kis-Sárrét) to build up agricultural systems which are providing not only a good living but enhancing biodiversity and the state of environment, too.

The Grant Committee of the Alliance decided to support 39 projects altogether with 39.3 million HUF (€ 159,821) for developing grazing husbandry, planting and restoring floodplain orchards and building up capacities for processing local products.

To see the list of supported projects click to the grant database.

You can read more about the Living Tisza Program at