Other achievements of the Civil-Partner Trust Program between 2003–7 – Three years in numbers
Besides the above achievements in terms of new or amended legislation and media monitoring, over the past 3 and half years, we have carried out diverse activities to support concrete advocacy. Tackling the overall legal and fiscal environment of civil society in Hungary required considerable analytical work, as we found that there have been only sporadic activities in this field before – the pioneering one was carried out by the Nonprofit Sector Analysis (NOSZA) project in 2001, but even this has rather concentrated on the present status and problems of the NGO sector and only briefly outlined proposals for new legislation.
Therefore, in order to lay the foundations and provide the necessary professional context, studies and background material were needed, including concrete recommendations and proposals later to be translated into the language of the law. Accompanying these, roundtables, conferences and other events took place among experts, with the affected NGO community as well as relevant decision-makers and law people.
Below, we give a short summary of the above, concentrating on facts and numbers: