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HEPF is a member of the EPSD

Our mission

The Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at enhancing the development of an environmentally aware, participatory democratic society and institutional system by strengthening and supporting the civil environmental movements.

The foundation promotes the development of the environmental movement trough providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary.


In addition to the above activities, during the course of the program, HEPF has run three grantmaking programs:

1. Support to alternative NGO fundraising model campaigns (one round, 2004): 13 grants, 27,635 USD. Project results have been compiled into a set of case studies, published in our website.

2. Support to civil service centers to organize local NGO roundtables (upon invitation, 2004): 17 grants, 13,135 USD (see results).

3. Support to legal expert groups and NGO advocacy activities (continuous since 2004): 13 grants, 117,160 USD. See the grants of 2006 in the Grants database.

Altogether 43 grants totalling 157,930 USD.