Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation is a not-for-profit, politically independent organization promoting environmental improvement and awareness among civil society and the general public.
Should you find it worth supporting our activities we welcome any support from both corporate partners and individuals to further the cause of susatinable development, nature and environment in Hungary.
Thank you:
Zsuzsa Foltányi
Our goals
- to assist in the realisation of efficient projects of the Hungarian environmental movement with a special focus on projects solving local environmental problems;
- to enhance the environmental consciousness in Hungary (undertaking environmental education and promotional tasks);
- to improve the contacts co-operation between the environmental movement and other civil initiatives, to organise and assist in the creation of joint action;
- to initiate, organise and carry out environmental actions and campaigns;
- to organise intensified international networking, to assist environmental civil initiatives in the neighbouring countries, including those of the Magyars living beyond the borders of Hungary;
- to act on behalf of civic consumer protection interests and to assert rights related therewith;
- to contribute to the improvement of the standards of environmental civilisation in Hungary, to the strengthening of ecological attitudes, to the dissemination of sustainable life-style models, worldviews, individual and communal life models as well as to enhance their effects.
(excerpt from the statutes)