Participation in the eco-city program of Pécs - Eco-region Program Mecsek-Dráva

“In January 2004, the municipality of Pécs (4th biggest city of Hungary) announced a completely novel and probably even on the country level unique concept called “Pécs Eco-city, Mecsek-Dráva Eco-region”. While the local assembly has unequivocally supported the program, the development of its contents haven’t started at that time, in spite its wide-ranging and complex nature, as it should cover all aspects of development in the city and its environs, from waste management to transport, from air quality to green areas, or indeed from water protection to tourism.
Local environmental and nature conservation NGOs have since the beginning voiced their intent to participate in the creation of the concept, especially since its development goals also emphasised the need to better involve local citizens and their organisations.

The Green Circle of Pécs – having surveyed local expectations towards the program – published a booklet, and initiated negotiations with the company contracted to develop the details of the program, the municipality and other affected institutions and organisations, drawing attention to the importance of environmental aspects in regional development and to the influence of environmental problems on the quality of life, thus contributing to the raising of environmental awareness among local people. As a result of the discussion, we formulated the text of a so-called “eco-city charter”, laying down the foundations of cooperation among its signatories.”
Pánovics Attila