Environmental network building at the Szob region

“Between September 2005 and may 2006 our foundation initiated the establishment of a co-operative network on environment, involving the 13 villages of the Szob micro-region, using the tools of community development.

In order to achieve this goal, we organised regular monthly meetings rotating among the settlements of the region, inviting both civil society organisations and citizens. About 30 people attended each of them.

As a result, we created working relationships with a number of NGOs – such as the Ipel Union, the Friends Circle of the Börzsöny Museum, the Tele-house Foundation of Zebegény, the the Youth, recreation and Sport Association of Zebegény, Biber Association, ‘High Tree’ Foundation – and about 40 private persons. The main outcome of the co-operative effort was that together with the NGOs, local people and experts we worked out an alternative development plan for the Ipel river valley area. The concept, whose central element is the establishment of the Lower Ipel Valley Eco-musem was submitted for support to the Norwegian Financing Mechanism.

The initial support provided by Environmental Partnership was instrumental in drawing the attention of local people to the importance of co-operation in general, and to joint work for the environment in particular. The processes launched, we hope, are irreversible, and thus contribute to positive social, environmental and economic changes in the region towards participation and sustainability.”
Zádori Judit