Environmental Education – Not Only for Kids
exchange of experience and training for NGOs

“The Green Bridge Foundation of Pécs has initiated a program aiming at fostering sustainability education in Hungary, especially among young adults, who received comparatively less attention from educators up to now. To this end, we started an exchange of experience and know-how with other civic organizations dealing with environmental education with the aim to explore how young adults could be better involved in environmental education programs.

Representatives of 12 NGOs working on environmental education took part in the three-day event. In the course of the program, they learned about each others’ activities and educational programs; in the framework of methodological exchange they shared pedagogic tools and games; presented their results and international projects. International cooperation was also encouraged by a presentation of the Youth 2000–2006 exchange program by an invited speaker.
Participants could use the interactive tools of the ECO-HUT Environmental Education Room (run by our foundation), they took part at the Waste Working Group’s “Packaging Olympics”, tested the role play developed by the Independent Ecological Center and experienced many other tools and instruments. As one of the goals of the meeting was to reveal how high school and older students could be involved in environmental education, a questionnaire survey made among young people of Pécs was also useful.

The training was a good example of the efficiency of mutual learning, gave opportunity for meeting one another to build and reinforce personal contacts, opening new perspectives in joint work.”
Pécs, 26–29th october 2005
Ági Berecz