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2005 balance sheetActivity statement
Our supporters

HEPF is a member of the Environmental Partnership

Our mission

The Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at enhancing the development of an environmentally aware, participatory democratic society and institutional system by strengthening and supporting the civil environmental movements.

The foundation promotes the development of the environmental movement trough providing grants, training, fellowships and technical assistance where necessary.

2005 balance sheet

Previous year (USD*) Current year (USD*)
A. Fixed assets
571 108
561 393
I. Intangible assets
II. Tangible assets
369 995
365 613
III. Long term investments
201 094
195 760
IV. Invested assets value correction
B. Current assets
1 096 563
1 400 303
I. Inventory
II. Accounts receivable
33 286
83 301
III. Short term investment (securities)
509 767
571 099
IV. Cash and cash equivalents
533 510
745 903
C. Prepaid expenses
57 934
66 757
Total assets
1 725 605
2 028 453
D. Own capital
1 702 314
1 973 963
I. Start up fund balance
II. Change of fund balance
1 607 312
1 764 564
III. Tied up reserve
IV. Valuation reserve
V. Result of current year
80 204
186 830
VI. Result of current year from enterprise
13 826
21 560
E. Marked reserves
F. Liabilities
22 752
52 922
I. Subordinated liabilities
II. Long term liabilities
III. Short term liabilities
22 752
52 922
G. Accrued expenses
1 568
Total net worth and liabilities
1 725 605
2 028 453

* 1 USD = 198.33 HUF in 2005